Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Change - The Only Constant

In our lives, we come across so many changes. The only thing which is constant throughout our lives is the Change itself. To effectively manage change and be prepared for it, we must anticipate what is coming next. If caught by surprise, we might be in danger of being plagued.

The parable of the boiled frog helps us to understand the nature of change. To boil a frog, you may try one of following two ways:

  • If you place a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out of the pan when it feels the heat.

  • Alternatively, you can put a pot filled with water on the stove and then place the frog in it. Without sensing the impending danger, the frog stays. When you start to slowly heat the water, the frog relaxes. The heating water slowly drains away the frog's energy. By the time the frog realizes its danger, it is too late to take action.

In this situation, the point is when the change is gradual, it goes unnoticed. To avoid becoming a "boiled frog”, we need to be vigilant enough so as to not let unexpected changes creep up. We must pay close attention to what is going on around us, so that we can notice when the water is getting “hot”.

However, in today’s fast changing world, there is neither time nor energy to alter the change. We can just be prepared for change by being proactive. Knowing far enough in advance that change is on the way allows making plans. Moreover, knowing that change is on the horizon, we can even try to transform it into an opportunity.

Johann von Goethe aptly sums up the truth of Life and Change when he says that Life belongs to the living, and one who lives must be prepared for change.

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